Outdoor misting systems provide nonstop protection from unwanted pest

Mosquito Joe’s mission is to provide the most effective outdoor pest control solutions to prevent mosquitoes from interfering with your enjoyment of the outdoors. Depending on where you live, a more permanent automatic misting system is the most fitting solution for you to control mosquitoes.

That’s why Mosquito Joe of Gilbert is pleased to provide effective, custom-designed mosquito misting systems for your commercial or residential property. Our misting systems effectively get rid of outdoor pests like mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and other pests in your yard. Installing a misting system eliminates the need to wear bug repellent, light citronella candles, or worry about when to schedule your next spray.

Here Are a Few of the Benefits of Our Misting Systems:

  • Personal meeting and thorough site evaluation with experienced and licensed Mosquito Joe expert to define coverage areas.
  • Fully digital module control with advanced capabilities and battery backup.
  • Metal nozzles strategically installed in your backyard provide ongoing coverage.
  • Weather-resistant and tamper-proof with a lockable enclosure.
  • The system is pre-set to mist at times when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Each system is equipped with two remote controls providing added convenience for additional treatments.
  • Customer training on how to efficiently and effectively operate your new mosquito misting system.
  • Continuous maintenance and refills are performed by a professional Mosquito Joe technician.

Automatic mosquito misting systems combined with Mosquito Joe is a win for your yard, allowing you to keep your fun outdoor activities while eliminating the bothersome pests. A certified Mosquito Joe technician will come to your home or business and manage the initial installation of the system, perform spring startup maintenance, and even prepare the system for winterization. With ongoing service, you’ll be bite-free like many other families across the country who have had a misting system installed in their backyard!

When you’re ready to take the bite out of your Arizona backyard, give Mosquito Joe of Gilbert a call to request more information or to schedule your misting system appointment.

Not Ready for an Entire Mosquito Misting System?

Mosquito Joe’s barrier treatment can still rid your yard of pesky mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. Treatments are performed on a rotating 3-week cycle that makes returning to the outdoors fun again! Learn more about the services provided by Mosquito Joe of Gilbert.
To schedule a free consultation, please call 480-407-6426 or fill out the form to the right. Mosquito Joe will schedule a visit to your property to assess whether this solution is right for you and, if so, provide you with a quote.

Give us a call!